Sunday, April 20, 2014

Why to Outsource PHP Development Rather than Setting up an In-House Team

You won’t get many negative nods if you go on to claim that in the programming ambit on this date, PHP is the best thing around. This highly utilizable server side scripting language is taking strides towards bigger goals that seem to be very achievable.
The businesses that have adopted PHP are already cashing on its benefits and recommending it further, as it continues to evolve by the day. To make the most out of it, you need right people. But, there is a difference between hiring an elaborative in-house team of PHP developers, and instead outsourcing the development project to a third party. And this difference can be attributed to a number of things.
Outsource PHP Development
Researches have indicated that outsourcing is getting increasingly popular because of some tangible as well as intangible benefits that cannot be achieved with the same flair if you make the in-house teams do the job for you.
Let us see how:
Saving Costs on Infrastructure
If you have been planning to set up an entire development team, you would obviously need to hire developers in spades, and also ensure that there are no rough spots when it comes to hiring qualified and quality professionals. This process requires a heavy investment of both – time and money. Getting a grab of quality PHP developers requires a widespread scouting for talent. Even though there are far too many PHP developers for hire out there, when it comes to nitpicking them for quality, you might find yourself struggling for alternatives. Also, the whole process of hiring professionals requires a lot of infrastructure, which is what you save when you instead opt for outsourcing the said job.
Outsourcing PHP development means handing over the reins of the project to a third party company, which most probably is located in Asia. These companies are reliable service providers who offer their services at a much lower price. The low price can be attributed to the currency difference between Europe and Asia, but there are also huge costs saved on infrastructure. The infrastructure costs go beyond recruiting the professionals. They rather also include the investment you had to put in for buying tangible products like servers, computer systems, hosting service, etc. (in the event you aren’t already running a full-fledged enterprise). So all of this happens to be a major source of cost saving.
More Assured Quality Standards
When it comes to the quality standards, if you choose an offshore partner with a reputation to go behind it, you are doing a great deal of service to your brand. The software development service providers in India employ a pool of professionals who have been sweating it out on the corresponding technologies and are well aware of the nitty-gritty of it all. They, therefore, assure only the best quality of applications they develop leveraging that expertise and the years of experience behind that. Also, since these developers have extensive knowledge of the platform, they are also able to introduce some innovation to the applications, which make them more unique and more customizable.
Better Infrastructure
As mentioned above, there are several offshore development companies like Xicom Technologies that already have a reliable infrastructure established at their end. And this infrastructure is made to foster quality. So these companies, in order to ensure they have maximum business, make no compromises on quality and the costs they might have to spend of buying servers, systems, routers, etc. with reliable infrastructure, they are equipped to serve their clients better.
Outsourcing has grown from an alternative to a necessity. Today, it is no longer unconventional. Rather,, outsourcing has risen to be THE best option for any company dealing in PHP development projects.

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